sexta-feira, outubro 06, 2006

Syd Barrett

Sempre quis ter um "sítio" para fazer a minha homenagem ao fundador dos Pink Floyd, permitam-me este pequeno apontamento. Falecido no dia 7 de Julho, 60 anos, Syd, grande compositor e inspiração para musicos nas décadas seguintes e nada melhor do que as palavras de Bowie para definir Syd como músico.
From David Bowie's website:
"I can't tell you how sad I feel. Syd was a major inspiration for me. The few times I saw him perform in London at UFO and the Marquee clubs during the sixties will forever be etched in my mind. He was so charismatic and such a startlingly original songwriter. Also, along with Anthony Newley, he was the first guy I'd heard to sing pop or rock with a British accent. His impact on my thinking was enormous. A major regret is that I never got to know him. A diamond indeed." - David Bowie, July 11th 2006

Para mais informações:
Aqui, David Gilmour interpreta Dominoes:

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